


Serving clients since 1999

We can provide first class advice on your accountancy requirements and in house or freelance services.


Our principal has been at the forefront of honest and reliable business support since 1967 before taking that ethos into private practice in 1999. We have continued supporting clients ever since and are proud to have clients who have retained our services since we began.

We are NOT lawyers but we have an excellent understanding of law and in particular County Court procedures.

If your business is in the doldrums you may need a fresh pair of eyes to give it the "once over"

We can be contacted by

Telephone: 01708 910828

Mobile: 07961 365169

Fax: 0207 691 9552

If you wish to contact us by email please use the form on the CONTACT page to avoid spam emails


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As a client of accountsLEGAL you can be assured of the following

1. We will never put profit first, you, the client, are always our first priority

2. We will give you honest and unbiased opinion, telling you what you need to know rather than what you want to hear

3. We will tell you at the outset of our charges and maintain these for at least one year, often longer